Groupe Info Consult Groupe Info Consult
2405 Chemin Ste-Foy
Québec (Québec)
G1V 1T1

Telephone: (418) 653-5556
Fax: (418) 651-2279

Pierre Gravel a.-g., President
Éric Milot g., Geomatics Expert
Please send your resumé to:


  • Surveying
    Groupe Info Consult has not forgotten its origins and remains true to the principle it was founded on 40 years ago - to offer top-quality surveying services at prices that defy the competition...
  • Mapping
    Mapping (or cartography) is an ancient science that still has the power to ignite our imagination. A map is worth a thousand words … if it is well done! Make sure you get exactly what you need. Deal with the professionals at Groupe Info Consult...
  • LIDAR Surveys
    Highly accurate terrain models can be obtained through the use of LASERS. Whether by airplane, helicopter, or truck, this technology offers a high degree of accuracy at a relatively low cost when compared with traditional acquisition methods...
  • Imaging
    A sought-after product, imaging is everywhere these days. Whether as a supplement or an integral part of a map, images speak to us directly, like no other medium can...
  • Photogrammetry
    A technique that is the basis of modern mapping, photogrammetry enables viewing the terrain in 3D based on a couple of aerial photographs...
  • Digitalization
    This term is fairly well-known today. It involves digitalizing documents originally produced on non-digital form, i.e. paper or film...