Groupe Info Consult Groupe Info Consult
2405 Chemin Ste-Foy
Québec (Québec)
G1V 1T1

Telephone: (418) 653-5556
Fax: (418) 651-2279

Pierre Gravel a.-g., President
Éric Milot g., Geomatics Expert
Please send your resumé to:


Digital Mapping : Groupe Info ConsultMapping (or cartography) is an ancient science that still has the power to ignite our imagination. A map is worth a thousand words … if it is well done! Make sure you get exactly what you need. Deal with the professionals at Groupe Info Consult.

Digital Mapping

  • Basic mapping (topographic)
  • Thematic mapping
  • Digital Elevation Models
  • Film and paper plots

Data Structuring and Conversion

  • Map digitalization
  • Data editing/structuring
  • Geospatial database design

Design and updating using satellite photos

Rapidly growing and relatively affordable, satellite imaging opens the door to new possibilities, particularly through a combination of spectral bands. Groupe Info Consult has acquired solid experience in this area and offers map designing and updating services by using such images.