Description: Acquisition of digital colour-infrared aerial photographs at a resolution of 20 cm., and aerotriangulation and production of orthophotos and mosaics. The project covers 5 MRCs (regional county municipalities) in Central Quebec, i.e. 7,000 sq. km. (5,566 photos).
Date: 2010
Client: Agence de géomatique du Centre-du-Québec
Orthophotos and Mosaics
Description: Acquisition of digital colour-infrared aerial photographs at a resolution of 10 cm for the 210 sq. km. covering the Valcartier Military Base. The project also involved the production of a DEM and the creation of orthophotos and mosaics organized into a 1 km x 1 km tile grid structure.
Date: 2009
Client: The Department of National Defence