Description: Complexe du Petit-Mécatina (Côte-Nord). Aerotriangulation was carried out so that the photos could be used for 3D photogrammetry. Production of colour orthophotos.
Date: 2010
Client: Hydro-Québec
Complete Mapping or Updating
Description: Updating of the Kahnawake Reserve map.
Date: 2010
Client: Natural Resources Canada
Description: Calculating the volume of tire islands ((Dépôt de Franklin).
Date: 2010
Client: Ministère des Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune
Legal Expertise (evolution of a location over time)
Description: Baie de Beauport. Production of Digital Elevation Models over a period of 3 years (1973, 1987, and 2005) for the purpose of analyzing the topographic evolution of the area concerned.
Date: 2009
Client: CIMA plus
Cadastral Reform
Description: Project involving cadastral reform using photogrammetry at St-Tite. Preparation of control points, carrying out aerotriangulation, and collection of planimetric data within cadastral lots.
Date: 2009
Client: Rochette et Lahaie
Description: The goal of the CartoNord Altimétrie project is to complete the 1:50,000-scale maps providing topographic coverage of Northern Canada. The project is divided into 2 parts: 1) photogrammetric collection of altrimetric data using already existing aerial photos and 2) editing the DEM so that it should be consistent with the hydrography.
Date: 2005 - 2010
Client: Natural Resources Canada
High Precision
Description: Intersection of the Felix-Leclerc and Laurentian Autoroutes. GPS data collection of control points, carrying out aerotriangulation, 1:500-scale topographic mapping, and DEM and orthophoto production.
Date: 2010
Client: Ministère des Transports du Québec