Groupe Info Consult Groupe Info Consult
2405 Chemin Ste-Foy
Québec (Québec)
G1V 1T1

Telephone: (418) 653-5556
Fax: (418) 651-2279

Pierre Gravel a.-g., President
Éric Milot g., Geomatics Expert
Please send your resumé to:

LIDAR Surveys

Lidar Surveys : Groupe Info ConsultLidar Classification : Groupe Info ConsultHighly accurate terrain models can be obtained through the use of LASERS. Whether by airplane, helicopter, or truck, this technology offers high accuracy at a relatively low cost when compared with traditional acquisition methods. It also enables categorizing information as: soil, vegetation (low, medium, high), buildings, roads, structures (wires, towers, etc.).

Digital Elevation Model (DEM)

A Digital Elevation Model is a 3D representation of the terrain. Each coordinate corresponds to an elevation so that data is given its proper spatial position. DEMs are particularly indispensable when creating a large number of digital imaging products.

Data Classification

As LiDAR data is classified, it will indicate both the position and type of terrain. This allows for a number of usages in sectors as diverse as mining, energy, forestry, landscaping, transport, etc.


LIDAR from Groupe Info Consult on Vimeo.